リソソームとのコンタクトによるミトコンドリア分裂の制御 (Nature 2018年2月15日号掲載論文)



2019年1月10日号のCellに掲載の「Mitochondria–lysosome contacts regulate mitochondrial fission via RAB7 GTP hydrolysis (ミトコンドリアとリソソームがコンタクトすることが、RAB7 GTP加水分解を介してミトコンドリアの分裂を調節する)」という論文で、米国Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicagoの Dr. Dimitri Kraincらによる研究。*1





Both mitochondria and lysosomes are essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis, and dysfunction of both organelles has been observed in multiple diseases1,2,3,4. Mitochondria are highly dynamic and undergo fission and fusion to maintain a functional mitochondrial network, which drives cellular metabolism5. Lysosomes similarly undergo constant dynamic regulation by the RAB7 GTPase1, which cycles from an active GTP-bound state into an inactive GDP-bound state upon GTP hydrolysis. Here we have identified the formation and regulation of mitochondria–lysosome membrane contact sites using electron microscopy, structured illumination microscopy and high spatial and temporal resolution confocal live cell imaging. Mitochondria–lysosome contacts formed dynamically in healthy untreated cells and were distinct from damaged mitochondria that were targeted into lysosomes for degradation6,7. Contact formation was promoted by active GTP-bound lysosomal RAB7, and contact untethering was mediated by recruitment of the RAB7 GTPase-activating protein TBC1D15 to mitochondria by FIS1 to drive RAB7 GTP hydrolysis and thereby release contacts. Functionally, lysosomal contacts mark sites of mitochondrial fission, allowing regulation of mitochondrial networks by lysosomes, whereas conversely, mitochondrial contacts regulate lysosomal RAB7 hydrolysis via TBC1D15. Mitochondria–lysosome contacts thus allow bidirectional regulation of mitochondrial and lysosomal dynamics, and may explain the dysfunction observed in both organelles in various human diseases.

